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Wounds, Scars & The Middle

Mar 2, 2025    Pastor Charles Jr.

Last week we opened up our new Series entitled “Invasion.”

We talked about how GOD used Elisha, a prophet of GOD to

show and display hope to women who planned on dyeing

and giving up after her husband died. He told her to shut the

down and because she seen a miracle happen. GOD showed

us to shut the door to those areas that keep us from

partaking in the will of GOD.

Today we are going to continue in our Series and talk about

what happens when GOD invades our Wounds, Scars and

Trauma areas. I’m going to ask from the jump that you allow

yourself to be vulnerable, this is a safe place. I’m also going

to ask you to bear with me cause I’m going to get a bit

vulnerable today.

Healing is in this place today if you want it. As I shared last

week the goal of the gospel is to bring us to a place of


Has anyone here ever had a wound that took a while to heal?

Or does anyone have a scar that reminds them of a painful

time or even a time when you were like I can’t believe I did

that lol?

Well today, we are going to spend time talking about wounds

and Scars and how they play an important part in our growth.

Wounds: cause you to question God. (He does not want you stuck

in your wounded place) The middle: This where the circle

happens; this is where healing occurs, and he shows you his

power. (We often forget about this stage.) Scars remind you to

trust God!