Transformed to Transform - (TC IN Person Service 11.10.24 )

Nov 10, 2024    Pastor Charles Jr.

Last week we talked about Walking In Expectation! Walking in expectation is literally walking in your purpose. And wrapping ourselves in the plans of GOD! Going from that fisherman

wrapped in tradition and to culture to being even more: Being a world changer and an ambassador for a new way. Say this: I’m now fishing with Purpose. Amen!

Today we are going to discuss how CHRIST finds purpose in our struggles, our downfalls, and even our low points. How many know there is purpose in our pain and our Testimony? That

testimony, your testimony displays a picture of transformation!

Let your past build you not keep you!

• ***

Peter went from a guy who denied Christ to the

leader of the Apostle and Paul went from enemy of

CHRIST to proclaimer of CHRIST and Both were two of

the boldest people for Christ to ever walk the earth.• He was Transformed to Transform! CHRIST was literally

moving him from his sunken place to his place of

purpose. He was putting purpose in him and setting him

in a place of action!

⁃ Sometimes we put ourselves in a box of our past just like

Peter, but Christ just like in the case of Peter is trying to

free us and confirm all is now forgiven and that there is

much work and greatness in front of you!

⁃ Close that chapter! (Fear, doubt, yesterday, sorrow the


⁃ Let your past stay as a comma, a reference point. Stop

making it a period.

⁃ You are new, now walk in newfound freedom!

⁃ JESUS did NOT die on the cross, get beaten

unrecognizable, get spit on, experience the weight of sin

that he did, and experience separation from the heavenly

father for the first time just for you to stay in bondage. He

did all that; he experienced all that; so that you and I

could be free. Transformed, unrecognizable to our past.

⁃ Don’t waste this gift! You and I can not waste this gift!