Perfected In Weakness
Today, we are going to be talking about being Clothed in Grace
while being perfected in our weakness.
As we know life is full of storms. The passage we are about to
read takes place in the middle of a mighty storm and the people
are terrified.
Each test and trail will do the following:
Bring you closer to GOD or further
- Know that it’s GOD’s way perfecting you
- He’s removing some things, for Paul it was Pride.
- (Ask yourself what is GOD trying to remove from my heart and
2. - Show you who you really are
3. - Show you where your trust lies
- Is your faith circumstantial?
- Is your faith based on what he does or who he is?
- If it’s based on what he does, you only call on him when you
need him, but if it is based on who he is, you will follow him
despite how you feel!
You and I typically navigate with sight. (What we can see)
I believe the lord is telling us that he wants to navigate our
life with faith.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you
don't see the whole staircase".