TC 24 In Person Service I See You

Feb 25, 2024    Pastor Charles Jr.

Last week our sermon title was called “PUSH!” We talked about how CHRIST wants us to “PUSH” pass our circumstances, fears and past and how when we do that we open the windows of heaven for healing, strength and peace. CHRIST is calling us out of the norm and in order to get to extra ordinary, The new you can’t do what the old you used to do. The new you, walks by Faith, the old, you walked by emotions! The old you tried everything else before trying God. But the new you looks to GOD and puts God at the center of your life. Meaning everything flows through that relationship.

You were born to be set apart, you were born different, you were born valuable, because God himself set you apart! God knew how special you were, and all that he put inside of you. While the world and our enemy wants us to forget that GOD wants you PUSH so he can lead you to wholeness!

Have you ever felt unseen? Have you ever felt like no one actually sees you? Well, if you have this message is for you!

I believe GOD is saying I see you! And I have more than you know!

Today Our sermon is entitled “I SEE YOU!”