There's More - (TC IN Person Service 11.24.24 )
The Last week we were here we talked about “Transformed to Transform”. How Christ moved Peter from his sunken place to his place of purpose. How Christ was putting purpose in him and setting him in a place of action!
We talked about how There’s no more room for the old where you're going! CHRIST has purposed us all as believers to walk in our transformation and be unrecognizable to our
Now today, we are going to talk about two young men who thought they figured life out until they encountered JESUS, and JESUS showed them there’s so much more!
It’s an Authentic relationship with Christ that brings true transformation!
- This young man was led by performance (What he did, who he was) instead of the love of Christ!
- Which honestly sounds like the world today's time. We are lead by performance, we are attracted to what looks good or what makes us look good.
Don’t let the temporary keep you from reaching the eternal!