Wait, I want that… too

Jan 12, 2025    Pastor Charles Jr.

Have you ever wanted something so bad, and then you see

somebody that was close to you whether in proximity or that you

had a relationship with get exactly what you’ve been secretly

wanting so bad ..

⁃ It can be healing

⁃ It can be a better relationship with your parents

⁃ A better relationship with your children

⁃ A loving Spouse

⁃ Freedom

⁃ A break

⁃ An increase in your faith

⁃ Or even healing for someone else that you deeply love and you no longer

want to see them suffer

If you ever wanted something so bad and then just felt like you were in line and

somebody cut you or like Christ just skipped right over you this message is for

you. Or you see somebody else getting blessed and you say I want that too, I

wanna be happy, I want someone that cares for me like so-and-so does this

message is for you.

What the lord was saying in verse 50 is let me be your

Anchor. The one that prevents you from drifting just

because of wind/ the words that was spoken/ the report

that was given/ the situation that you are in.

two specific points This

young lady she had tried it all. She went to doctor after

doctor. She tried medicine after medicine. She spent all she

had and She tried everything known to man at the time. She

heard about Jesus and she had faith enough to say look. I’veheard about him healing. I trust in his healing. I have nothing

to lose. I’m going to put my faith in Christ. Wait, I want that…

too: that healing I’ve heard him do for countless others. Now,

listen, Jesus said that her faith has made her whole. If you

wanna be whole today, faith is required to get to that

wholeness before you even touch the garment of our Christ


Then you have this father, he believed at first, but because of

the people around him and the circumstances of his dead

daughter, he didn’t believe, he believed that this was outside

of what Jesus could do. Jesus had to increase his faith. He

showed him that nothing is outside of the possibilities in

Christ. The first thing that Jesus did when he got to the dead

daughter was he closed the door to any outside world. So

that he could do what only he can do. Listen I want to

encourage you right now in this moment and if you on a

circumstance, it seems doubtful; I want you to try Jesus

today. I want you to close the door to any outside options,

any outside voices and watch him work!