Get Up! It's Time For Healing!!! (TC IN Person Service 10.20.24 )

Oct 20, 2024    Pastor Charles Jr.

Today, we are going to talk about setting the stage for our healing.. - “Get Up!- It’s Time For Healing !”

- Question: Do you want to be healed?

- We cannot allow moments to dictate our eternity. I believe God is trying to lead us to a place that closes the door to our enemy and open the door fully to our heavenly father.

So many of us lying in beds of bondage:

Now we all have a bed to pick up and walk away from what is yours?

What bed are lying in?⁃ Is it doubt?

⁃ Is it what others say about you?

⁃ Is it dead relationships?

⁃ Is it unforgiveness?

⁃ Is it shame?

⁃ Is it your past?

⁃ Is it fear?

Part of healing starts with a choice of walking in that healing. This is why, JESUS

no longer allowed the guy to sit in excuses, he said now it’s time to walk in it.

You don’t get free until you decide to walk in that freedom.