New Year New You The Same Old Problem (TC in Person 2025)
Today is the first Sunday of 2025! I love the new year. I love what
a new year brings. It gives a sense of newness, freshness, and
new opportunities. It also gives a new sense of focus.
Now also in a new year, we will get challenged with the same ole
stuff as last year and it’s up to us to live in that new year, new you,
mantra or respond like we did last time.
- The Bible tells us that our biggest weapons are:
- Our Faith
- Our Speech (the words that come out of our mouths),
- Our praise, and
- The Word of GOD.
Your faith lived out Can be the most powerful display of
God’s love.
It’s your season but do you believe it! The walls are fallen down
but are you willing to look crazy enough so you can receive a
victory. I dare you to give God the shout right now. I declare walls
falling down. I declare the spoils of war would be your increase, I
declare your body is healed.
As a believer in God, we don’t fight with a fist, Our weapons are
not carnal, but it’s faith and speaks from a place of victory.
Say this: My faith speaks from the place of victory, My faith
speaks from eternity!