A Call To Action
I believe GOD is calling us to be about action, more than ever
before. Some life changing, life altering actions.
At this moment, JESUS is literally passing the baton to the
Apostles (and I believe to us well).
- At this moment, they’ve walked with him, seen him heal,
received revelation of GOD’s word, they’ve seen him do miracles;
They’ve also seen him beaten, ridiculed, spit on, and tortured.
They seen him withstand the abuse, die, and now even rise.
- Acts starts off telling us that CHRIST was with them 40
days talking about the Kingdom prior to him being taken up.
GOD is Not asking for you to perfect. He is looking for your
faithfulness. He will do the perfecting part. (Hebrews 10:14 /
2 Corinthians 12: 9 and *Philippians 1:6).
Through You and I, GOD wants to connect with the world. (His
Children). The good, bad, ugly, gay, straight, crazy, confused,
rich, and poor. All!
He wants to make them aware of his presence and his love for
them. And he has chosen to do that by your presence and the
love you show others.
At this Point, CHRIST has given them (You and I) an opportunity
not to identify with our past (Our sin, our circumstance, our
addictions and evens our vices)., but now You and I have the
identify in him.
Victory is only obtained by action. No action no victory. I hear
God saying I’ve already given you victory its just time for you
act it out. Walk in it.