TC 24 In Person Service PUSH
Last week talked about “Conquering The Giant Within!” We talked about how physical giants (circumstances, opinions and situations ) will often also reveal some internal giants (insecurities, fear, the past, & lack of confidence in yourself and GOD ). We talked about how God will allow things to explode so that he can expose. A man heart or true intentions is not revealed in good times, but it is revealed in times of trouble. This is where character is revealed.
Conquering the giant, requires you to see a giant. A giant that much bigger. This is what David saw. He saw a giant GOD in the mist of giant man! We must see our GOD bigger than our giant amen!
Have you ever gone through something that you didn’t see a way out and it required more than you thought you had left and then all of of a sudden you received a extra push. We are gonna talk about that today.
Today Our title is “PUSH!”